Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Part 2

Hopefully you weren't held in suspense by Mamacita's last post. Here's the scoop: Because of Mamacita's abnormal anatomy, we were awarded an early ultrasound! It was truly amazing. You hear stories about seeing your baby for the first time, but I wasn't ready for how it made me feel. When the image of our little Cletus came up, the picture was a side view, and you could see his/her little hand sticking up and waving at us! It was like he/she was saying, "Hello, I'm what all of this hubbub is about." It was a great introduction.

The ultrasound verified the due date we expected. All is well and healthy so far. Enjoy the look at our tiny little child!
If you look close you can see his/her face, nubs for the arms and legs. The heart was beating like crazy (166 beats per minute). More to come later!

1 comment:

Christine said...

Little Cletus the Fetus is beautiful! I can't believe we already have an ultrasound picture!! I want to start sending you guys baby shoes, but I'm trying to hold back for a few months. I see Cletus in cute little Converse with tomatoes on top. Or little green Mary Janes. I think Cletus is the type to throw gender roles to the wind.