Friday, April 4, 2008

Finicky eating

So, I have been having a lucky pregnancy. I haven't thrown up once, and I feel as though the reason this is so is because of all the times I threw up from motion sickness in my life. I think this is nature's way of evening things out some. But, Daddy P has put up with weird food issues. I thought I'd record a couple for posterity.

There was the week of dairy. Pretty much anything with milk or cheese sounded good. The timing of the ending of that week didn't quite work out too well. Daddy P went to the store and loaded up on things for maccaroni and cheese (ohmygosh, do you KNOW how many types of cheese goes into mac and cheese? I didn't. I am not a fan of this dish, but that week that's all that I could think of that I could stomach.) and for broccoli and cheese casserole. I think our cheese tray is still crammed full, because the very next day the dairy week ended.

Chicken has been a consistent no no, except for the week I went to Wendy's and Burger King for chicken nuggets twice in between clients and sessions for a mid-day hunger strike. In retrospect I am deciding this too was nature stepping in to try to get me to eat more red meat to bulk up on my iron.

There was pizza week. No big surprise seeing as that's my standard go-to food anyway.

There was the pancake week. Daddy P was nice enough to eat pancakes for dinner twice, in addition to the pancake breakfasts that we had. We did use the buttermilk skimmed from our homemade butter, but I'm guessing other than that there wasn't a lot of nutritional pluses to pancakes.

Currently, we are in the week of cereal. Cereal for breakfast, cereal for dinner. It's a hard thing to take for lunch, but it's a pretty nice staple meal. Oh, and I think I'm entering the week of fruit. All I want is fruit. As opposed to these other fazes which were better described as "the only food I can think of that doesn't make me sick" this is seriously more a "I need fruit" kinda thing. I have never been a huge fruit eater, but I have had more fruit in the past few days than in my life. Especially citrus. Can't stay away!

I read last week that the foods you eat while you are pregnant and breastfeeding actually influence what your baby will tolerate when they are eating independently. The study showed that women who eat carrots while pregnant or breastfeeding have babies who are more likely to like to eat carrots!

So, cletus will like pizza, dairy, fruit, and tomatoes. Maybe some field greens and spinach thrown in. Man, I better start eating veggies or this baby is going to be one pain to feed!!

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