Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Turning the proverbial corner

So, I didn't want to jinx it, but a week makes a pattern, so jinxing isn't a possibility anymore. I've turned the corner!!! Nausea is gone! Exhaustion is gone! I got home from work today and actually thought about running! I didn't, I just thought about it, but still! Up until now I'd only thought about sleeping after work (and during work... and before work...). And I MADE DINNER last night! The first time in over a month. So, I think I'm done with all that first trimester misery. On to new misery! Just 11 weeks and I'm a new woman. A new, heavier, multi-person woman, but with a renewed pre-baby energy (yes, I admit, I'm having a few occasional "I'm so fat!" wailings, only to get worse in the next two months I am told) .


Thanks to all those leaving comments! We love to hear from you, and it convinces Daddy P that people read this blog and we should continue to post. So, thanks!

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