Monday, March 31, 2008

Second Dr. Visit

Sorry for the lack of posts. Blame Daddy P. I've been in New Orleans! I attended a conference with my BFF for the past few days, so it wasn't all fun and games. Learned a lot. Ate some disappointingly not so yummy food. The good news is that my appetite is getting way better. As I type Daddy P is eating soup that last week would have made me puke, but this week is only minorly nauseating. And, my energy is starting to increase a teeny bit. Yay week 11! I love you, week 11! But, the bad news is that yesterday while sitting at a sports bar, watching UT suck butt and give it all up to Memphis, I had my purse stolen. So if you want to call me, call Daddy P.

We met with Liza CNM today for our second visit. After an exhaustive listing of any diseases and genetic problems that we knew about, and checking the good ole weight, we met with Liza. She said I'm anemic (yay) despite the amount of spinach and red meat I consume AND the vitamins I've been taking for four months. I am to eat more red meat and spinach. I won't complain about it too much. What else... we decided to forgo any genetic testing and just wait and see what the universe has planned for us in October. We also found out my uterus is tilted (runs in the family), so Liza was a little worried because she couldn't figure out how big it actually was...
(to be continued tomorrow)

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