Sunday, April 20, 2008

Making Resolutions Stick

So, it is one thing to SAY I'm going to do something and a whole 'nother to actually make it happen... I am trying (which frankly, doesn't really count unless trying=doing) to practice being a green parent. I've been becoming more aware of my consumption and the wreck our planet will be if we don't change our ways but it is a slow process. I do take my reusable bags to the store, but I still buy things wrapped in two layers of plastic and then put in a cardboard box. I think having some little being swimming inside of me makes me a little more aware of my role in trying to make our world healthy and safe for our little ones.

So, inspired by the hoards of bloggers devoted to decreasing plastic consumption (i.e. FPF and others), Daddy P and I are consciously trying to buy less plastic. We have a separate trash bag set aside to measure our plastic use and track it weekly to see if we're getting any better. I know it will take a little while for our new purchasing habits to catch up with our output, but hopefully we'll see some good results. In the meantime, I am listening to Daddy P growl at the store because I won't buy the grape tomatoes because they come in a plastic carton. Vine-ripe it is!

Elly, our neurotic dog, did her part this week by continuing her use of biodegradable, corn-based doggy bags. It's a family affair...

So, in keeping with our "buy used" resolution for baby products, we are headed out today to buy a used Graco SnugRider stroller (thank you Craigslist!). You people convinced us that a used carseat is not the best idea, so we will be purchasing a new one. But, we decided to go ahead and buy a used frame for it when strolling. Second baby purchase down! Yay!

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