Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Cute little fetus

I will go ahead and delve into the sappy realm now. It was really amazing seeing the baby move. Who knew a baby the size of a kumquat (or an 1 1/2 in. for any of our Missouri family) would be waving?! And the heartbeat...! It was so totally amazing. That blurry little picture doesn't do it justice. Watching that baby move around on the screen was amazing. They even knew which ovary gave the baby that X chromosome! (Gooooo left ovary!)

According to the doctor in the family, this baby is a girl. Which should make Daddy P happy since he's hoping to have the first female pro non-kicker football player. Or wait, that's my dream. He just likes pink and wants to live vicariously.

So, there you have it folks! The first pic of the new member of our family... We won't get another glimpse for another 10 weeks (the normal time to get an ultrasound) and at that point we'll get to find out the answer to the big question....!!! Is there a psychic doctor in the family!

Now, I know that I've stared at some people's ultrasound and smiled and nodded when they pointed out the feet and hands and head... "Oh yeah, you can really see it, can't you?" I would say, while really thinking, "Why are you crying over a blob?" So, here you go. You can't say you don't see the baby now!!


cece said...

Wow I am so excited and she (?) is beautiful

I am going to be a great Aunt

So incredible

Christine said...

Okay, outlining the baby only made the little guy look spooky.

And anyone in their right mind could see from the first picture that Cletus is the most beautiful and brilliant child yet conceived.

Its obvious.