Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Weekend Fun

This weekend we are taking our baby to its very first baseball game. This is a very important event; somewhat tainted by the fact that the team on the field will be the Red Sox. But, at least little Cletus will be exposed to a good old-timey stadium. My friend from high school, Juanita, is bringing his wife and little boy up from St. Louis next week, and we'll be heading to Boston for a few days and then New York for a second game at Yankee stadium.

Speaking of Cletus, he/she has grown to the size of a lemon! Here's a picture:

Pretty cute, eh?

The Resolution that Stuck Too Hard

So, this buying used thing is addictive. You can do it at home, in front of the computer, and at any hour of the day. I have not yet shopped at work (they are tracking all our internet usage, so I feel a strong reason not to). Between craigslist and Ebay I am constantly looking for bargains. Granted, right now I'm a little focused on the clothing bargains, but really I just don't want Cletusella to get too squished is all. It's all for the baby... Really. Buying baby things in any quantity is a little hard to justify now before we move. Why pay someone to ship us stuff and then pay someone else to move it halfway across the country? So, I wait. Kinda. I try to.

Monday, April 28, 2008

"Too big"?! Really?!

So, there is one woman at work who persists in telling me -- everyday -- that I am too big for only 14 weeks down. She is convinced I have a second baby hiding somewhere. Daddy P and I know that really what is going on is that we have the first pro linebacker named Cletusella in my tummy.

This on top of two kids in separate classes last week who asked if I was pregnant (in front of the whole class as I'm teaching a lesson on bullying), a mom who noticed, and my coworker who has taken to calling me "mom." It is all a little jarring to one's identity.

Did any of you mothers have a hard time adjusting to your personal life being so, well, OUT there?

Perhaps it's the whole line-of-work thing. I use self-disclosure very, very, very little at work, and only to achieve specific, well-thought-out ends. (Which is why I fired my own personal therapist who, in my opinion, was using therapy more to talk about him than me.) But then, suddenly, here I am. It is suddenly clear to all those around me that 1) I've had sex, and 2) That this has resulted in offspring. It is interesting though to see all the assumptions people make from there.

But back to the point... never tell a pregnant woman she is too big. I am already self-conscious enough as a woman who can no longer button up her size 8 pants (thank god I have pants in sizes 10 and 12 to boot!) and is only in the middle of month three. (I poo poo those who say that you do not show until month five. Who are you? Why do you state this idea in all my pregnancy books?).

I am having a fun time, though, of wearing all of my clingy tops to go ahead and make it obvious that the bulge is indeed a baby bump and not the queso that I made last week.

Speaking of which, I found a really yummy non-Velveta queso recipe for those interested...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Daffodil Festival

Daddy P and I decided to venture outdoors and go to see the daffodils at the Daffodil festival down the road. The insert in the paper made this sound like a beautiful event with flowers everywhere. And there were daffodils. Look:

Pretty, right? What we didn't realize, is that "festival" is defined as: (n) a place where people gather to eat. A huge tent dominated the park, totally packed with people ordering fried oreos, sodas, "barbeque," and other assorted sugary treats. Let me show you the extent of the daffodils...

Yes, folks. I'm serious. Those daffodils merited a festival. What was astounding was the sheer number of people there. I mean, Daddy P felt claustrophobic, and I've never met someone so calm and laid back as he. So, we went, ordered a funnel cake to pretend we were back home, sat and gazed at the masses, and then went home.

It was definitely entertaining. Just not what we expected in the way of entertainment. I took some flowery pics around the apartment to compensate for the dismal variety at the festival...

Monday, April 21, 2008

Signs of Spring

So, one of my favorite parts of being here in Connecticut has been experiencing the seasons. Everyone said how wonderful it was, and I kept on with my line about how "we have seasons too!"... But, wow! Perennials come up on their own here! Bulbs are popping up all over! And in one week all the flowers on the trees have popped! It's really been spectacular to watch -- way more amazing than the leaves turning red if you ask me.

We went to Elizabeth Park and wandered around with the mutt yesterday. People were out having picnics, sunbathing, grilling...! It was so fun. The rose garden was still just twigs, but the tulips were making their first appearance.

I'm so excited to go back once the roses have bloomed! Stay tuned for pictures...!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Making Resolutions Stick

So, it is one thing to SAY I'm going to do something and a whole 'nother to actually make it happen... I am trying (which frankly, doesn't really count unless trying=doing) to practice being a green parent. I've been becoming more aware of my consumption and the wreck our planet will be if we don't change our ways but it is a slow process. I do take my reusable bags to the store, but I still buy things wrapped in two layers of plastic and then put in a cardboard box. I think having some little being swimming inside of me makes me a little more aware of my role in trying to make our world healthy and safe for our little ones.

So, inspired by the hoards of bloggers devoted to decreasing plastic consumption (i.e. FPF and others), Daddy P and I are consciously trying to buy less plastic. We have a separate trash bag set aside to measure our plastic use and track it weekly to see if we're getting any better. I know it will take a little while for our new purchasing habits to catch up with our output, but hopefully we'll see some good results. In the meantime, I am listening to Daddy P growl at the store because I won't buy the grape tomatoes because they come in a plastic carton. Vine-ripe it is!

Elly, our neurotic dog, did her part this week by continuing her use of biodegradable, corn-based doggy bags. It's a family affair...

So, in keeping with our "buy used" resolution for baby products, we are headed out today to buy a used Graco SnugRider stroller (thank you Craigslist!). You people convinced us that a used carseat is not the best idea, so we will be purchasing a new one. But, we decided to go ahead and buy a used frame for it when strolling. Second baby purchase down! Yay!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Elastic Bands, Eating Outside, and Music Festivals

First of all, elastic bands are the greatest invention ever. I just received in the mail some Old Navy maternity pants (mysterious! who ordered these???) and they fit beautifully! Whoever said you had to wait until you were pretty far along to wear maternity pants was either just plain crazy, or did not TRY to wear them until they were very far along. These things are awesome! They are cute and snug fitting all over except in the tummy. I modeled for Daddy P and he promptly decided that I will probably be wearing maternity pants during non-maternity times in my life. Who is to say... There is a reason why seniors wear pants with elastic bands, folks, and it isn't because they are senile. But, for the sake of our baby, who might want to someday eat something other than breastmilk, I can not just go crazy buying maternity pants. So, my goal for the weekend is to buy some hook and eye's to sew into my pants so that should my BellaBand fail, my clients won't be looking at my booty.

Today was simply beautiful in Connecticut! Warm, sunny, with little green pops here and there! Daddy P and I met for a late lunch at a cafe in the park and enjoyed a leisurely meal under the blue sky. It felt very indulgent. Very lovely.

But, I'm afraid I have more serious things to discuss with you, kind readers. I am not crazy. I know I will be pregnant. But we all know that the Austin City Limits Music Festival is one of the best music experiences to be had. I am realistic about my limitations in attending. I have not rushed out to buy a 3 day wristband, no matter how much I so desire such an ornament. I have told Daddy P that I am reasonable, and that one afternoon/evening of performances is most reasonable to avoid the heat of the day. But he persists in his concerns. We must not mock him, kind readers, because it is this concern that we hope to foster in his relationship with his new child for years to come. We must also preach moderation. It is normal for a father to be zealous in his concern and worry, but we must soothe and calm him so he can know that fun can indeed exist in the life of a woman 8, even 9!, months pregnant. Besides, wouldn't I look cute in a bikini top and board shorts with some dreads and a huge tummy???

Who said you shouldn't make hairstyle changes while pregnant. Pashaw.

a little help here

Silly Doctor. As Mamacita explained, we went to see a fairly unhelpful doctor on Monday. However cryptic she may have been in some of her answers to our questions, she was certainly not worried about Sarah's uterus tilt being a problem later on. Somehow she discerned that the uterus was "in the process" of un-tilting. So, faithful members of the blog-o-sphere, don't worry. We've found some exercises for Mamacita to do to help with the tilting situation, and I'm sure that by our next visit in two weeks the uterus will be right where it should be.

In the meantime, I need your help! Mamacita has it in her mind that she will be attending a certain outdoor music festival in Austin in September. If you are up on your math, you know she'll be 8 months preggers at that point. Every time I tell her that there is no way I'm going to let her do this to herself, she points out that the woman on "Notes from the Underbelly" did it. I'm finding that there is not much use in trying to reason with a pregnant woman.

Tell her that this is a bad idea! Please, flood our comment box with voices of sanity! If nothing else, I don't want to be suffering through the heat next to a woman whose complaining will be drowning out the music. Please, please, help me out.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Can someone get this doctor a tranquilizer please?

So, we've seen two midwifes at our OBGYN office and now, one doctor... Oh if only it never had happened... She's the kinda person you feel like needs a real good slap on the face. You know? Like maybe then she wouldn't talk so jittery, or move in such bizarre twitching motions, or at least would shut the frak up for a second. I didn't slap her. Neither did Paul. It would have been lovely though.

Have you seen the Target skit on SNL? (I heart Kristen Wiig. Seriously the funniest woman since Carol Burnet.) That spastic random mess was our doctor.

(for viewing fun, go to this clip...)

So the woman (that's how we'll refer to her) instilled in me neither confidence nor calm. A simple question (why, Lord, did I open my little mouth...?) was received by a long and rambling and not one freaking bit reassuring answer.

But let me back up. So, my uterus is tilted. And, despite the fact I swore to Paul it swung back around, the woman said that it hadn't. Then she said it was starting to. Then I started to wonder if she knew what a uterus was. She then proceeds to tell me that if it doesn't move in two weeks I'll need a "minor operation with anesthesia"?!?! What? I say, calmly, "Well, Liza suggested that exercises could move it back." Then she kinda moves in a spastic jittery way that makes me more than a little uncomfortable, does something I guess you would call a laugh, and says that she doesn't really think those work. She begins to talk about something else, and I interrupt politely. "Um, could you tell me what those exercises are so I can do them?" So very helpfully, she says, "You put your knee to your chest or something" and kinda jerks her body in very weird ways, not at all resembling the motion of "knee to chest."

Uh, thanks.

Then, the baby's heartbeat. She puts the little thing to my stomach and...
1001, 1002, 1003 (no heartbeat yet, she repositions), 1004, 1005, 1006 (did my baby die?!?! what's going on??), 1007, 1008, 1009 (WHERE'S MY BABY?!?!), 1010, 1011, 1012 (studying the doctor's face for any sign of life, or indication I should not FREAK OUT), 1013, 1014, 1015 ("Sometimes they hide in the back"), 1016, 1017, 1018 (flit flit flit flit flit flit flit).

I was too relieved to slap her.

We will not be seeing that woman again. Although, we have to see another doctor in two weeks. If that one doesn't work out, I'm going back to Liza.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday Confessions

Alright, so, I feel compelled to admit this. I don't know why. The shame of it should keep it buried much longer than this. Daddy P mocks me for it behind clothes doors... But, here goes...

I am a maternity clothes shopping addict.

Yes, it's true. Prior to actually becoming pregnant I have purchased clothes to be worn during pregnancy. It began with babydoll tops. In fashion, and yet, so perfect for a pregnant belly. Who could resist the clearance bins at Express? Then my compulsion expanded to looking at the clearance rack at Target in the maternity section. I did get the cutest blue dress for 6 bucks. And now, I am a compulsive looker (yet to be buyer) for cute maternity pants. Yes, I know, I know. I am hardly in my 4th month. But, this whole thing only lasts for another, what, 5-6 months? I might as well enjoy it all while I can! I am using the excuse of my tightening waistband to justify such purchases. Who knew that an elastic waistband would ever sound so cozy? I have a new respect for senior fashion styles.

P.S. Did you know that Old Navy has maternity clothes on-line? Oh dear...

Friday, April 11, 2008

Strange reactions

Everyone has their own reaction to finding out you're pregnant, right mommies? For instance, I have now already heard two labor horror stories. Another woman at work won't let me do anything. Seriously, anything. I mentioned in that "complaining about stupid work" kinda way that there weren't any water cups EVER (usually I bring my own, but being very lazy today did not want to walk upstairs since I was on my way out the door). Well, I just wanted a "I hear ya girlfriend" but instead she rushed to the kitchen, pulled out a paper cup, rushed back to the water cooler, and brought me a filled cup. Whew. I was tired watching her! Anyone have any wacky stories to share? I mean, I am not even showing yet and this is what I'm getting! :) Man! Just you wait, world, until I am wielding a big belly!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


It's true. Mamacita woke up this morning and spent about a half hour staring at her profile. It's also true that she is starting to look pregnant. Don't worry... the size of her belly is well documented. If you know Mamacita, you also know that such an event will be recorded by numerous pictures and probably a photobook. So keep your peepers on the blog. Those with the stamina to keep reading this stuff will be rewarded.

And the uterus tilted

I swear my uterus tilted back forward overnight. I woke up this morning and suddenly had a pooch. All morning I kept making Daddy P look at my stomach, confirming that my stomach grew overnight and this wasn't just some weird mistake. This development has also calmed all of my ingrained feminine weight insecurities since for the first time in my life my waist is disappearing while the rest of my pants fit fine. As a pear shaped girl I know instantly when I'm falling off the living healthy wagon because my pant legs and hips suddenly get snug. For the first time my pants fit fine but they are a little tight to close. Now, I am still having some trouble telling myself this is real. At just over 12 weeks, it seems a little soon to see a stomach pooch, but there's no denying it. Maybe if you're nice and tell me I'm not crazy I'll post a picture...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Turning the proverbial corner

So, I didn't want to jinx it, but a week makes a pattern, so jinxing isn't a possibility anymore. I've turned the corner!!! Nausea is gone! Exhaustion is gone! I got home from work today and actually thought about running! I didn't, I just thought about it, but still! Up until now I'd only thought about sleeping after work (and during work... and before work...). And I MADE DINNER last night! The first time in over a month. So, I think I'm done with all that first trimester misery. On to new misery! Just 11 weeks and I'm a new woman. A new, heavier, multi-person woman, but with a renewed pre-baby energy (yes, I admit, I'm having a few occasional "I'm so fat!" wailings, only to get worse in the next two months I am told) .


Thanks to all those leaving comments! We love to hear from you, and it convinces Daddy P that people read this blog and we should continue to post. So, thanks!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Crunchy Inspiration

So, I am a diehard Crunchy Chicken reader. I have been inspired by her in the past, and she's gotten us to do crazy things. We've made some smallish green changes to our lives in the fall that have actually stuck. We line dry all of our clothes in our spare bedroom, we've put all home entertainment and computer electronics on powerstrips so that we can actually turn appliances off (for real for real), we made a toilet sink, we reuse ziplock baggies, we've switched to cloth hankies, we have a stash of cloth grocery bags for all store trips, we have bought biodegradable doggy bags (elly uses a lot and i feel so guilty taking something that IS biodegradable and wrapping it in plastic)... and we've tried two of her challenges. Her first was the cloth TP challenge, which we've used for part of our needs (we'll leave it there). And, of course, the freeze your buns off challenge, which was much more difficult for me to survive with minimal whining than for poor Daddy P who is actually HOME all day in the cold house. We managed to keep the temp at 63 during the day and about 58 at night. We still own the truck (boo) but it hardly moves since Daddy P works at home, and we're selling it this summer for something more baby-friendly and environment-friendly.

But, this whole baby thing brings up all new kinds of issues. I mean, babies are just made for our consumption culture. Crunchy's current challenge is to "buy nothing" (new) for the month of April, and Daddy P and I are taking this to heart for baby stuff.

Buy Nothing Challenge - April 2008

I think we are starting our own Buy Nothing New for the Baby challenge. The exceptions I think might be a crib (for recall and safety reasons) and a breast-pump (because, ew, gross!). We've begun by finding a gently used Pack N Play that is ready to go. I'm debating extending this whole thing to maternity clothes, too. I've been told ebay has some great stuff, as do the thrift stores, but I might have to give up my newly acquired vanity for clothing...

Friday, April 4, 2008

Finicky eating

So, I have been having a lucky pregnancy. I haven't thrown up once, and I feel as though the reason this is so is because of all the times I threw up from motion sickness in my life. I think this is nature's way of evening things out some. But, Daddy P has put up with weird food issues. I thought I'd record a couple for posterity.

There was the week of dairy. Pretty much anything with milk or cheese sounded good. The timing of the ending of that week didn't quite work out too well. Daddy P went to the store and loaded up on things for maccaroni and cheese (ohmygosh, do you KNOW how many types of cheese goes into mac and cheese? I didn't. I am not a fan of this dish, but that week that's all that I could think of that I could stomach.) and for broccoli and cheese casserole. I think our cheese tray is still crammed full, because the very next day the dairy week ended.

Chicken has been a consistent no no, except for the week I went to Wendy's and Burger King for chicken nuggets twice in between clients and sessions for a mid-day hunger strike. In retrospect I am deciding this too was nature stepping in to try to get me to eat more red meat to bulk up on my iron.

There was pizza week. No big surprise seeing as that's my standard go-to food anyway.

There was the pancake week. Daddy P was nice enough to eat pancakes for dinner twice, in addition to the pancake breakfasts that we had. We did use the buttermilk skimmed from our homemade butter, but I'm guessing other than that there wasn't a lot of nutritional pluses to pancakes.

Currently, we are in the week of cereal. Cereal for breakfast, cereal for dinner. It's a hard thing to take for lunch, but it's a pretty nice staple meal. Oh, and I think I'm entering the week of fruit. All I want is fruit. As opposed to these other fazes which were better described as "the only food I can think of that doesn't make me sick" this is seriously more a "I need fruit" kinda thing. I have never been a huge fruit eater, but I have had more fruit in the past few days than in my life. Especially citrus. Can't stay away!

I read last week that the foods you eat while you are pregnant and breastfeeding actually influence what your baby will tolerate when they are eating independently. The study showed that women who eat carrots while pregnant or breastfeeding have babies who are more likely to like to eat carrots!

So, cletus will like pizza, dairy, fruit, and tomatoes. Maybe some field greens and spinach thrown in. Man, I better start eating veggies or this baby is going to be one pain to feed!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Cute little fetus

I will go ahead and delve into the sappy realm now. It was really amazing seeing the baby move. Who knew a baby the size of a kumquat (or an 1 1/2 in. for any of our Missouri family) would be waving?! And the heartbeat...! It was so totally amazing. That blurry little picture doesn't do it justice. Watching that baby move around on the screen was amazing. They even knew which ovary gave the baby that X chromosome! (Gooooo left ovary!)

According to the doctor in the family, this baby is a girl. Which should make Daddy P happy since he's hoping to have the first female pro non-kicker football player. Or wait, that's my dream. He just likes pink and wants to live vicariously.

So, there you have it folks! The first pic of the new member of our family... We won't get another glimpse for another 10 weeks (the normal time to get an ultrasound) and at that point we'll get to find out the answer to the big question....!!! Is there a psychic doctor in the family!

Now, I know that I've stared at some people's ultrasound and smiled and nodded when they pointed out the feet and hands and head... "Oh yeah, you can really see it, can't you?" I would say, while really thinking, "Why are you crying over a blob?" So, here you go. You can't say you don't see the baby now!!

Part 2

Hopefully you weren't held in suspense by Mamacita's last post. Here's the scoop: Because of Mamacita's abnormal anatomy, we were awarded an early ultrasound! It was truly amazing. You hear stories about seeing your baby for the first time, but I wasn't ready for how it made me feel. When the image of our little Cletus came up, the picture was a side view, and you could see his/her little hand sticking up and waving at us! It was like he/she was saying, "Hello, I'm what all of this hubbub is about." It was a great introduction.

The ultrasound verified the due date we expected. All is well and healthy so far. Enjoy the look at our tiny little child!
If you look close you can see his/her face, nubs for the arms and legs. The heart was beating like crazy (166 beats per minute). More to come later!