Friday, January 1, 2010

From Daddy P, the "guest" blogger

Here is a story related to me by Daddy P of our dear little Kate's antics.

This is Daddy P's first real go at being a Daddy without back-up. (Unless you count Grandpa coming over today so Daddy P can join a friend for lunch). All other times he's had grandparents swooping in, or me to help out. But since my quarantine continues, he has been on his own. Yesterday he decided to do all the errands he's been meaning to do in all of 2009 before the New Year. (Seriously. That many.) Last night after Kate went to bed he came in to sit at the foot of the bed and regale me with stories of the day. It's absolutely breaking my heart to have my family so close but not see them, so I pumped him for all the stories I could.

One of the many stops that he made yesterday was at the grocery store. Armed with a handful of store samples of fresh-made bread, Daddy P swooped through the aisles to find food for dinner, and something that his dear old wife would be able to keep down. As he made his way across the store, little Kate finished off the samples, and requested more. Seeing as he would have to cross the entire store to get more bread, he kindly explained that there was no more to be had. Kate then grabs his finger, and pulls it towards her. Then she grabs his wrist and pulls, then his forearm, until she has threaded his entire arm past her down into the cart so that his hand is resting directly on a bag of chips. Smart little cookie. She didn't get a chip, but she sure amused her daddy.

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