Friday, January 1, 2010

From Guest Blogger: Grandpa

A trip to the park with Grandpa (who, after assuring us several times that he's had his flu shots, and after seeing no symptoms in Kate, was allowed to play) produced many giggles and smiles. (So I am told.) Daddy P even filmed Kate eating and laughing this morning so I could watch her giggles from my station in bed. We are hoping to break my quarantine tomorrow if all goes well, but may limit my exposure to our love one more day to be safe. I wouldn't give this bug to my worst enemy. Well, if I had a worst enemy maybe. But only if we were literally at war and it was self-defense. Huh. Self-defense bio-terrorism. Yeah, I'm sure that phrase just got us flagged.

I've had a lot of time on my hands to think and reminisce. And with my trusty computer by my side that has also meant look at old pictures. So here's one from the memory books... Kate at 3 weeks... Around that time we had given her her first bottle, I still hadn't been away from her for more than one hour, and we were not really sleeping at all. She was in her crib, and I was often found stationed in the rocking chair beside said crib. But, she'd already gone to Target several times, which is the most important thing to remember.

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