Monday, January 25, 2010

Outdoorsey Girl

Kate had a weekend of playing outside. She learned to climb a ladder into the treetops. She learned that you find boys in trees.

She moved some rocks into a lovely sand tray that really wasn't in need of rocks. You can see the shadows of all the adults standing around watching as she picks up larger and larger rocks as we waited to see if she dropped them. Mean adults. Mean.

And she went on a hike in her new baby backpack. I apologize that this picture isn't up to snuff. It doesn't do her danger justice. I carried her on our three mile hike which criss-crossed a small stream. This stream is crossed by jumping from rock to rock, which is normally easy. Your center of gravity is all wacked out with a baby on your back! I never once fell, thank goodness, but it took me forever to cross in a few places. Despite the scary terrain, Kate loved the backpack. All smiles the whole way. And we loved getting out on a hike again!

Today Kate and I went and ran around the lake. It was the first time I pushed her in the stroller by myself for the whole three miles. Afterwards we went and got a smoothie and soaked up our coolness.
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