Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Busy Weekend!

Kate had a crazy busy weekend! She was over-run with people as we threw our good friends a baby shower. We had about 4 one year olds, a bunch of infants, and a couple 3+ers. She was a little overwhlemed by it all, and hung back by dad most of the time. When everyone but her Uncle P and Aunt A left, she cut loose and played like crazy letting out all the pent up motion and excitement.

She got her first balloon out of the shower and loves watching it go up to the ceiling when she let go of it. Meanwhile, Daddy P and I are loving watching it deflate and inflate as we move it from the 30 degree outside to the 70 degree inside. Geeks we are.

She went to dinner with Daddy P and I to get some Thai food, and had her very first pad thai. She love love loved it, and so far, no reaction to peanut butter at all. They gave her a baby plate and baby fork for her dinner and she was a charmer until the end and then took the place down with wails.

She capped the weekend off with a trip to Ikea to buy her her very own table and chairs. She was giddy with excitement about helping Daddy P put it together. I even pulled out a bunch of toy tools that I had stashed away for just the right occasion. She actually really did help him. I couldn't believe it. Well, I guess "help" might be a bit extreme, but she was able to put the dowels and bolts in where he told her to... she just also wanted to take them out again...

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