Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Great Escape

My parents are taking Kate overnight on Saturday night for the first time. Now, I'm not really sure who is Steve McQueen in this scenario -- Daddy P, Kate, or my Dad -- but someone is planning something big gosh darnit.

Kate has been watched overnight here, at our home, twice now by my folks. Although each time Daddy P and I have very much enjoyed our get-away at a local hotel, we are looking forward to sleeping in our own (usually more comfortable) bed. The reason this is Steve McQueen worthy is that Ms. Kate has never slept at my parents' house. You might think this is an exaggeration, but it isn't. She's slept at her Uncle Peter and Aunt Anne's house as an infant, she's slept at Daddy P's parents' house on vacations, and she has slept reliably at hotels throughout the country without fuss. She does not sleep at my parents' house. Now, everyone has their own theories about why this is true (examples range from "she's having too much fun" to "the decor is too scary to allow her to close her eyes"). (Ouch. I just report the facts.)

My theory is, of course, the most important and most likely to be accurate since I am Mom: Kate will not sleep there because, above all other things, Mom wants her to sleep there.

I feel that being put to bed by the grandparents without Mom and Dad being around will do the trick. Mom out of sight and out of mind. A snap.

Pray for us.

If this doesn't work, Daddy P and I might never get another overnight again...

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