Tuesday, January 5, 2010

15 Month Update


Little Miss had her 15 month shots yesterday. She cried as soon as I set her on the scale until we left the examination room with a small break in between when there were no docs or nurses in sight. Now, this isn't sniffling. This is all out wailing. I can understand shots hurt, and I get that. But why the scale? And why the stethescope? Now, frankly, I don't like our pediatrician and am thinking about changing, but he isn't a bad guy. He's nice enough. But Kate hates him. The man hardly touches her but woo wee she hates him. Maybe I'll just take her to a new office everytime so she never knows what's coming. I have a feeling that would backfire and she'd end up screaming her head off the next time I tried a new supermarket...

She is 50 percentile everything apparently.

22 lbs.
30 inches

To convince her to play this merry game of picture taking, she needed both horsey, and Daddy P to play ball with her. As a result we got huge smiles. Speaking of horsey...

So parents, we have had a "horsey in the crib only" rule that we are breaking. We made the mistake of teaching her the sign for "horsey" which she now uses frequently to jail-break him. Now some of this is great, don't get me wrong. Today, when she was tantruming she signed for horsey, I got him, and she calmed herself down. BUT, do we now have to take horsey everywhere? Is she going to be that six year old dragging around a ratty horse? Do we care? I don't know. This is the current conversation in the family we are trying to figure out... Thoughts?


After noticing growth isn't much different, I thought, "Hair!" So here is a hair retrospective...


After playing ball for a while she crawled over to the other end of the couch and spent a few minutes backing up against the pillow and then just leaned herself back. Guess this is what she learned on Sunday during the Texans game...


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