Sunday, March 7, 2010

A little gardening

Yesterday we hit up the local gardening store to get a truckload of dirt for our garden beds. While there, Kate enjoyed watching the goats climb and the chickens peck at each other. Well, the chickens kinda freaked her out, but she was fascinated by the goats. True to form, the thing she loved doing the most was hunting for cool looking rocks and moving dirt around.

She was then especially thrilled when we started putting the dirt in the beds today. She added her own little contribution to the endeavor but putting dirt in little piles here and there. Especially noteworthy was when she started taking it out of the flower beds to put in the compost bin. A bit backwards but the right idea. She also got to hold her first worm which she thought was hilarious.

Notice she has climbed up on the wheelbarrow in order to reach the dirt...

1 comment:

Uncle Willie said...

she is my niece. what a cute little dirt rock lover.