Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Girl's Day Out

After a long day, I decided that what Kate and I needed was fun, not chores. So we packed up and left for the mall. The afternoon began with fun in the play area. I learned my daughter inherited her father's pacifist ways. She let anyone go in front of her on the slide. Okay, that's not quite true. There was one boy that she'd make wait. Then there was another boy (who shoved her) who she kept a good 5 foot distance from at any given time. Wise girl.

It took her a while to loosen up and explore without me nearby, but she did!

Eventually we needed what all girls need on their day out: yummy food. I had packed a peanut butter sandwich which we supplemented with a smoothie. Yum. Check out those feet. The sign of a happy relaxed girl.

Kate also went of the "merry go round" for the first time. She was so curious about it, and another boy had already started it so we got a free go round. She loved it.

Asking for "more" which, of course, I kinda obliged to (one buck though! insane!). It was girls' day afterall.

She was very very curious about the Easter bunny. We watched from downstairs for a long time, then she wanted me to sit with her so she could continue to watch. Then, later, she asked where he had gone. When we finally walked back by and he was on a break she decided he was napping (since that is my excuse for anyone being gone: "they are probably tired and home napping").

Bad mom peer pressure moment:
You should have SEEN the kids at the play area. Hm, maybe these are YOUR kids. They were impeccably dressed. Better clothes than I own. Fancy shoes with real leather. Bows in all girls' hair. A BLAZER for goodness' sake on a little boy. So in one of my weaker moments, I looked at my daughter in her long sleeve, stained onesie with a neck so stretched out that it kept slipping off her shoulder, and black pants that were somehow both too long and too short, and I decided we would shop. I walked into the Gap for kids, found a cute little dress and picked it up. Then almost spit. Twenty dollars! MY dresses aren't much more than that. And yet, I was still frozen by some twisted sense of guilt and propriety and ended up at the Children's Place (?) and bought her a cute little outfit (TWENTY BUCKS STILL).

Oh well. It's technically her birthday present from her great grandma that I haven't spent yet, so she's allowed to be spoiled. Yet, I think if I'd spent the twenty on the merry go round she would have been happier. I think it was actually Children's Place in this scenario that ended up being spoiled...


1 comment:

Kelley said...

I bet those other kids were dressed up for the Easter bunny!