Monday, March 15, 2010

The life of a 17 month old

We pretended the time change didn't happen. Well, as best we could. She'd been going to bed between 6:30 and 7pm, and getting up between 6am and 6:30am so we were eager to just move that back an hour. So far it seems to have worked, but has been complicated by the fact she has her first honest-to-nose-rushing-goodness cold. So gross. I have a high gross tolerance but this is just really grossing me out. Mucus is gross.

A happy girl eating her "big girl" apple. She has learned how to move the Learning Tower to her goal and climb up in it without help. It's been a game changer in the kitchen. But look what smiles it produces!

Wanted to get a picture of Kate's cute blond curls. Here she is in the morning just out of bed. She's started a slower morning routine involving gathering up her three loveys (the two horseys and her puppy dog named "Woof"), and then asking for Daddy. So we wander over to the window to look outside where Daddy is at work and to watch Elly. Once she does that for a while and talks about them both ("Elly!" and "woof!" and signing "where's daddy?" and "Daddy work") we finally get around to getting dressed and wander out for some breakfast.

We are slowly learning to differentiate overwhelmed emotions from the normal tantrum. Not easy. The whole when to calm her vs. when to ignore ain't easy. She's a kid that needs comfort, but who is trying to assert herself. My solution has largely been to be really choosey about my battles and then to ignore/distract when it is clearly just her wanting her way. She's good at fighting for what she wants, though.

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