Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Going Home

Our vacation time with the fam is ending. Kate has been thoroughly entertained for five days now so I am wondering how she will adjust to not being held or played with constantly. She has certainly loved the attention! She mastered a slide her aunt and uncle bought her.

We went out to dinner one night at this yummy Italian restaurant and they seated us in the basement area by the restrooms. There was one long booth/bench table and two small tables. Which meant, our party of ten were the only ones downstairs. It was perfect. The first dinner we have had in a long time where I didn't have to do anything! Between the eight other loving adults to play with Kate, and being in a safe and isolated place, she could wander around, play on the floor, and eat at her own pace without any problem. Now we just have to find a restaurant with a basement back home...

We fly home tonight and I am hoping this flight will go better than the last. It's an evening flight so I don't know if that means she'll sleep because it's close to bedtime, or freak out because she's exhausted and not in her crib. Ah well. And since we are leaving... Kate's finally adjusted to her new crib and new "home" and has slept 11-12 hours the past two nights. I feel like a living breathing human again. I'm starting to think I'll never willingly go on vacation again though... at least until the toddler years are over...
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