Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Magic Trick

Dear little Kate has been reminding us what it is like to have an infant these past few weeks. She's had trouble sleeping through the night, and when we finally cave and go in she won't ever let us leave again. It's like some bad horror movie. Trapped, in the baby's room.

This sort of thing has also led to high conflict in our house triggered by lack of sleep and different tolerances for crying. Three in the morning isn't a time that you feel really rational and as though you can give your spouse the support and attention they deserve when the baby's been crying on and off for four hours.

But, luckily, one of my bestest friends is a pediatrician, and she's always awesome with the advice. I need her to start up a Q&A blog. Anyway, her theories were that Kate is at the age when kids start getting afraid of things they used to be okay with, and when she should be getting her molars. Molars we have now suspected for literally a month, but haven't seen signs of. I wrote those off because of the time elapsed, but Kate's favorite activity is chewing on her toothbrush so there's definitely support for that one. And, fears! Totally! Kate's suddenly really fussy in the tub about getting water on her face and head when she used to be totally fine with it.

Doctor's orders: put in a bright nightlight (ours was a blue LED one) and give her Motrin before bed.

Results: Three beautiful nights of all-night sleep. She wakes and cries out once, but goes back down. Before she would wake, cry out, and continue to cry, and continue... and continue...

Fingers crossed this works for a bit more and the teeth finally give her a break so we can stop the meds before bed... Love those doctor's tricks!

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