Sunday, July 31, 2011

1 Month Picture

No idea how much this kid weighs, but he's growing plenty. Here's his one month picture:

And the comparison to Kate:

He's formed his own rhythm. We are doing "bedtime" around 7pm when we put Kate down. He's waking at 11pm, 3am, and 7am (give or take a half hour) to eat. I am loving the 4 hour spread, but unfortunately feeding and burping (a la Kate) take about an hour, and then sometimes it takes a bit longer to get him back to sleep. But, I'll take it.

Our nanny comes by on Monday and Tuesday to get used to him, and the house, and us, and so Kate can meet her and get a little used to her. Kate mostly won't be around when she is here but there might be the occassional time that I can't get out in time to drop Kate off at school in which case the nanny will take her. This is also the week that I start back teaching my meditation group, so we'll slowly start getting used to me being out of the house. Next week I start back at work in full, and the following week Daddy P and I are both back. So, the next three weeks will have a lot of change and adjustment for us... I hope it all goes well, but I am nervous just about the unknown... I started pumping today just to get used to it. We will see how the week goes!
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