Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Kate Story

Kate has recently wanted to be told stories when the lights are out and before we leave the room.  Daddy P has a series of "Froggy Stories" that consist of Froggy going out somewhere (the pool, a farm, etc.) and then coming home and feeling really tired so he has to go to bed.

Well, apparently, the other night he told Kate a Froggy Story but left off the ending.  She then requested that he "talk about what happens when Froggy gets home."  Daddy P said that Froggy's momma lies in bed with him to help him fall asleep.

"Does the Mommy read stories to Froggy?" Kate asked.
"Yep, two books," said Daddy P.
"Does the Mommy tell Froggy stories about Kate?" she asked

At which point, our minds were blown in the paradox...

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