Sunday, July 10, 2011

And... we're done.

Honeymoon period is over.

Props to all you who are home all day with a newborn and a toddler.  I, personally, praise our bank account for allowing me to continue sending Kate to school.

That's right, folks, we're in full-fledged jealousy mode.

This weekend my 2.5 year old, who formally boasted of being a "big girl," wanted to ride in the baby's infant carrier/stroller, crawl, put on a diaper, and lay on the floor and cry.  I have seen more tantrums this weekend than in her entire life combined.  It's exhausting.  Our tactic currently is to provide her as much one on one attention as is reasonable, ignoring baby-like and tantrum behavior and giving her mad props for anything we want to ever see her do again.

Nursing times have been the roughest, with her becoming very physically aggressive when I am nursing the baby and Daddy P isn't around.  In fact, even when he is around she often seeks me out and wants to be in the room, but is upset when I don't give her attention.

Add on top of that a day of baby spitting up 3-5x after each feeding and peeing all over all the time (i.e. literally 7 outfits today) and we have the end of the weekend.

He's finally konked out on the couch but since he's due to be up in a half hour to eat I am just waiting rather than trying to sleep...

I think it's been a little rough just because she's had constant change for the past 9 days.  Tomorrow should begin the start of some normalcy: morning time at home, school, then home, dinner at home with family, sleep, begin again... Hopefully that will reset her system and help somewhat.  Luckily she hasn't taken any of this out on the baby, just on me.  I've been hit and kicked and shoved a lot lately, and having to manage her aggression is a new one for us, but she hasn't done any of that to the baby, so I'm counting us lucky in that regard.

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