Sunday, July 3, 2011

Going Home

After an excruciating night, we have gotten cleared to leave this afternoon unless something changes. We learned that a) Jacob currently wants to eat for thirty minutes every hour or hour and a half, and b) he won't sleep in the crib with the crazy bilirubin lights on him.  He would sleep on us, which just wasn't working for anyone. Finally I put him in the carseat and he slept if I padded around him well. Of course, this is around 5am and he and I are both finally sleeping. Daddy P tells me this morning that the nurse came in and told him that wasn't safe and we needed to take him out so he wouldn't fall out. Thank you, Daddy P, for fighting for our sleep and chasing her away.

Got a few hours sleep and feel human. We are so excited to get to go home and start real life...can't wait!

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