Monday, August 1, 2011

And, I raise you one

You all know Kate's been tantruming for attention.

Well, the game just got a bit more high stakes.

Last weekend, we had my sister-in-law and nephew in town.  Kate had been talking about her cousin Mason for a week.  Saturday morning, her first words were "Is Mason coming today?"  She is in love with her big cousin Mason and followed him around laughing at every cool thing he did and trying to do whatever he did.  It was totally adorable.


Saturday we had a tiny get together for my birthday.  In the midst of things, Mason looked a little lost, so I suggested Paul play ball with them.  They began to play t-ball, and Kate helped field the game.  When it was her turn at bat she couldn't hit as well as her cousin and quickly became frustrated.  When Daddy P told her it was Mason's turn she got upset.

Not long thereafter, she walked onto the patio, peed a large puddle of urine around her, and then promptly yelled, "Daddy!  I went potty in my pants and now I need your attention!"

This sets the scene up nicely for



Paul holds the baby while preparing dinner.  Kate is frustrated and fussing around the kitchen.  She goes to stand in the pantry and closes the door.  She emerges a minute later.

                           I peed in there.  You need to change me.

                           I can't right now.  Go change your panties.

You can guess how tense the house was when I got home from work.  Both kids were crying when I got home.  Kate was crying because Jacob was crying, Jacob was crying because he was hungry, and Paul was crying (well, not really, but he was a little pissed) because the baby wouldn't take the bottle I'd left.  I think my husband deserves a mini vacation for braving the kids at dinner alone.  Unfortunately for him, this is going to be a regular Monday night occurrence since I am seeing clients Monday and Friday nights... poor dude.  On the flip side, I will have the kids alone every morning, so we'll have to commiserate together somewhere in the middle...

Strangely (luckily!) Kate loves her baby brother.  He has not been blamed at all for any of this, although she clearly holds Paul and I responsible.  Which is fine and appropriate.  But I continually find it a small miracle she hasn't hit him, thrown something on him or tried to smother him.  (whew.  since these are all stories i have heard from friends in this situation!)

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