Friday, July 15, 2011

2 Week Picture

Last week I forgot to update his stats: at 1 week old he weighed 9 lbs 7 oz (2 oz away from birthweight). He's a big eater. :)

We're trucking along. Kate's jealousy seems to have peaked, or we are handling it better. We've instituted a "TV or ebook during nursing" deal which is helping hugely for me to manage the both of them and be partially tied down. She's watching a combo of Dora, Curious George, and So You Think You Can Dance (although, we usually skip to only the dance numbers which makes the show only take about 10 minutes total!). Her favorites seem to almost always be the girl dancers and she complains if there is "no singer" (aka instrumental music). She's decided she'll be a dancer and we can go and watch her (which is significantly different from when we let her watch a few of the singers on The Voice at which point she decided she wants to be "one of them," meaning the judges so she can "watch the singers and talk to them.").

Jacob is... well, we're learning to know each other. He nurses about every two hours during the day, and then starting at 7pm he nurses unhappily until 11pm. Then he finally sleeps for 3.5 - 4 hours, eats, and sleeps another 3.5-4 hours. I really can't complain because of that last part. However, the way we've been divying it up, Daddy P burps him starting at 7pm which means he's been dealing with the fussiness for those last few hours, and then I wake up and take over and Daddy P gets the ear plugs. With Kate, when she was older, we forced her on this schedule. We'd wake her up at 11pm every night (Daddy P got home from work then when Kate was little so it worked out well), and then she'd wake around 2:30am and again around 5:30am. Then as time passed she dropped the 2:30am feeding, and then eventually dropped the 11pm feeding. It was awesome and worked perfectly, so I'm hoping that Jacob is already going down that path. Of course, Kate would sleep from 8:30 - 11pm and Jacob hasn't gotten that part figured out yet, but how can I complain?

Overall, this is going really well. Having Daddy P home has made this manageable. I get a 2 hour nap in almost every day because of him, and that has made me capable of being playful and attentive to Kate. I don't know how SAHMs do it without daycare. I wouldn't be able to survive. Or, maybe the kids wouldn't be able to. It would be bad, we'll just say that.

I start back with a few clients next week. I only have about 4 weekly clients right now, and then the two groups I teach meditation to. So, it's a really slow time which is perfect. We'll have to try out a bottle this weekend to prep for it. But if that doesn't work Daddy P is just going to bring Jacob down to work with me and I'll nurse before my clients. I only have max two a day so it should be workable either way. Then I take two more weeks off and then start back. My mind is so not in it. I'm having a hard time imagining going back, but it will be good to get me out and have something to think about other than the nursing schedule.
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