Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Birthday

I have had a stupendous birthday so far.  Other than waking up a lot to feed a little one... when my daughter woke at 6am this morning and barged into our room (damn that whole lack of sleep begets lack of sleep) Daddy P took her back to bed so I could get an extra hour of blessed sleep.  Yay!

When they came to woke me up the sweet smell of chocolate cake was in the air!  I was informed that Daddy P held Jacob the entire time so Kate made the cake herself.  That explained the completely empty container of vanilla extract in the sink that was a previous full bottle of vanilla extract.  (I guess we have a future vodka lover on our hands...)  Yay cake!

I was sung happy birthday in my room as I got dressed.  Yay!

I got flowers first thing this morning from my sweet sweet sister and flower-expert brother in law. Yay!  So, this one is a little funny.  I was getting dressed and Daddy P had Jacob and heard Kate in the den saying "Who's that man??"  Apparently she was the only one who heard the knock on the door and was standing at the front window to see who was there.

We walked over to eat breakfast at my favorite breakfast place.  Yay!  

And Daddy P gave me the best present of all:  permission to drink coffee.  I got to sit at my favorite breakfast place and sip coffee.  It was awesome.  Yay!

And, this might sound really really silly... but, I got to tidy up.  Daddy P held the kid while I tidied and did things I hadn't been able to do while watching a baby.  Sad, but true.  Yay?  :)

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