Friday, April 30, 2010

This will embarass her when she's older

Everyone needs a good "when you were a baby you..." tale, right?

Here's Kate's:

She and I have gotten in the habit of using the, er, facilities together. One day that she actually peed in her potty while I was using the bathroom so I keep waiting for the magic to happen again. After nap one day we went in the bathroom to sit on our potties. I had just five minutes earlier changed her diaper and it was already wet so our chances of success seemed slim. So, while I flushed her gDiaper I sent her to her room to get another diaper. Well, she came back empty handed(I had given it a 50/50 chance of success) so I went to her bedroom to get a diaper and I found...

... a little pile of poop on the carpet. (Thank goodness we have ended the diarrhea phase.)

I show her the poop and tell her that she pooped and poop goes in the potty so we have to put the poop in the potty. I then walk out of the room with her to get something to scoop it up with and when I return to get the poop she isn't with me. I pick it all up anyway and when I step back out in the hallway I see that now she has now peed on the ground. What is a mom to do? I point out that she peed and that there is potty on the ground, and that when you need to potty you sit on your potty chair. I invite her to sit on her chair if she wants to, and she does, so where do we end up?

Back where we started. With a baby who just peed and is sitting on the potty.
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