Saturday, April 3, 2010

Back to Basics

After an awful day for Mom and Dad, Kate's at her end. She literally fell asleep while eating dinner. Daddy P spent the day scouring the web for ideas, and found pretty much every one you can imagine. What's a parent to do?

So tonight we have gone back to what we used at the beginning to teach Kate to nap by herself. Meaning, right now Kate is screaming like mad in her crib and Daddy P is in there with her, but not giving her attention. A hard role to be sure. I keep sneaking peeks at the monitor and she seems to pause in her crying and almost doze off standing before resuming her screams. Her worst trick is calling "mamammamama" out of the door. Ouch. The sting!

Twenty minutes in and I am starting to feel my skin crawl at each cry. We'll see how it turns out. If we get more than three hours sleep tonight we'll be in better shape than last night!

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