Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Daddy P surprised me with our first out-of-town overnight last weekend. We went to a nearby resort and it honestly felt like a vacation (even though it was only 30 hours). We went to the spa, laid around in a hammock in the sun, had a fancy dress-up dinner, and "slept in" (suddenly 8am is late).

The only bad part was that a) it was a very family friendly resort so we both kept saying "oh, Kate would LOVE this" and b) because it is family friendly a child started crying at 3am near us and Daddy P was almost out of bed before realizing we were in a hotel and without Kate.

It was a really nice break and we're lucky the Grandparents were nice enough to come over. Nanna reported Kate slept from 8:30 - 8:45 that night. She hasn't done that for us. Ever. And the next night she promptly went back to midnight awakenings and a "I think it's morning" time of 5:30am. I was still too blissed out to notice. (As was evident by her having to occupy herself reading books until 6:30am when I managed to drag myself out of bed.)

We are still taking turns sleeping in her room. It's actually gotten worse rather than better with her now waking up screaming and not falling back asleep right away. She's getting two molars simultaneously, though, so you have to wonder. We saw the first one trying to break through last week and the hole -- I kid you not -- it not ONE bit larger. This is how slowly Kate gets teeth. The other guess is that we have started reintroducing milk to her diet and she had a lot last night... might have been gas.

(Man what a fun blog this is!)

Other things have gotten better though. She is drinking water and eating again (huge relief). In fact her appetite is so huge that everyone has remarked on it. Of course, she was pretty much only eating crackers before so it's noticeable. Poops look better, too. What more does a mom want? Hm, I guess, weight gain? Too soon to tell if it's sticking, so we'll have to see. Our best guess is that this change is due to the probiotic she is on.

Okay, so thanks for letting this blog be my medical record. Promise to bring pictures and tales of outings soon...

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