Friday, April 16, 2010

Erring on the opposite extreme?

So, I am that mom. That mom who takes pride in not being that other mom. And, as any good girl will tell you, that word there -- pride -- is where it all goes downhill.

I let my kid eat dirt. And play in random puddles. And... well, almost whatever she wants. All in the name of a "stronger immune system."


So, our current theory, thanks to our informal pediatrician who is stepping in until I officially fire our formal ped, is Giardia.

Fun word.

It's a little bugger that lives in your body, gives you gas, diarrhea, smelly poops, takes away your appetite, causes weight loss and causes lactose intolerance.

Sound familiar?

We aren't positive this is what it is. We need to call the doc and see if they had sent out for this specific test when they did the parasite stool sample. But she's responding to something, and the parasite med she is on would treat this.

You get it from water sources, and more specifically, from fecal matter in water. Dog bowls are currently our standing contenders. The only problem is that Elly isn't acting sick. The incubation is up to 4 weeks, so that means Kate could have actually gotten this a little over a month ago and not shown signs. It seems a little silly to contact everyone we hang out with who has a pet and ask if their pet has been sick, so we'll probably just take Elly to the vet to double check so Kate doesn't get reinfected.

This is my current running hypothesis. I feel much better just having one.

Kate's color is back to normal, and she slept through the night last night for the first time in almost a month. So it's gotta be something we're doing. We'll see.

In the meantime, if you have hung out with us, and have a fussy pet, take it to the vet. Okay?

(for those of you who are curious: Giardia link)

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