Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Moe

This is the game our pediatrician is playing.

(I know you all are tired of hearing me rag on our ped, and I promise I will get one as soon as I have time to breathe.)

Monday we found out there was no parasite.

Tuesday Kate was still eating next to nothing and waking up screaming.

Today she stopped having as many wet diapers. I started feeling like we were on the pre-ER track again.

We'd done what he's suggested. Either Daddy P or I have been sleeping with her to ease any separation fears. We stopped giving her milk and replaced it with Lactaid in case it is lactose intolerance. We stopped letting her drink milk before or during a meal so she'd be encouraged to fill up on food instead of milk.

But not much changed. She woke up a dozen times last night. She would either wake up and scream and instantly go back to sleep, or wake up and stand up for comfort. She ate a little more without the milk before meals, but our normal good-eater disappeared and was replaced by a kid who wouldn't eat any of her favorite foods. All she wanted were mandarins and crackers.

Daddy P called the doctor again today. We both decided until we had a better idea that she was "okay" we wanted more help. All her symptoms combined with her zero weight gain/growth over three months just makes a mom nervous.

The doctor apparently knew as little as we did about what was going on. His prescription seemed like a "covering the bases" move. Kate now is on anti-parasite meds "just in case" and on the "BRAT" diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast) for diarrhea and just general tummy problems. She is not to have any dairy until we figure out what is going on. He said she could have soymilk but a) soy is in almost everything we eat these days so drinking it just seems like overkill, and b) she got insanely gassy when *I* drank soymilk and breastfed her so I'd rather skip that experience.

Tonight she seemed very content eating toast and applesauce with crackers for dipping. She wasn't thrilled with the lack of milk but having pediolyte in her water seemed to convince her to drink a few sips.

I really don't want to do another 8 hours in the ER. We're still paying those bills.

So, we'll give this a go and see what happens. In the meantime, her mood is still normal and chipper (except she is tired fast during the day). She hung out with her favorite new baby today and got to make a mess of our friends' house. We shall see...

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