Thursday, May 6, 2010

19 month update

22 lbs, 1 oz.

Little Miss is a full on toddler. No baby left in this little girl. Her BFF has a new water splashpad in the yard so she spent all evening asking to go over there to play in the water. (Which, for those of you who speak Kate sounds like "Sssssss awaa"). At one point she walked to the door, said "car" and then when we asked where she was going she reiterated she was going to see Samantha and play in the water.

Here's the diva taking her own pictures while I take pictures of her...

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We saw the GI doctor on Thursday. She said that it is normal for toddlers after a virus to have several months of diarrhea. (If this is true, why our doctor couldn't have just said that is a bit baffling.) She said that her guess was that we sped up Kate's recovery time by giving her the probiotic and that she will start gaining weight again. We've been instructed to offer food, then pediasure (apparently 3 cans of this stuff is all the nutrition she needs), and cut out all other drinks besides milk. If she doesn't gain one pound in the next month we are to come back and discuss other possible sources of the problem. She said celiac's is very unlikely since her diarrhea stopped after the probiotic, but is still a possibility.

It's been a rough week overall. This was the first week that we said goodbye to our amazing nannies. M is gone for good because of other commitments and S returns in the fall part-time. Kate is struggling a lot with the transition to a new person but is doing okay with it. It is very reminiscent of my days teaching at the preschool: toddler screams bloody murder at drop off until parent is out of sight and then is happy. The only difference is that I'm the parent this time around.

I'm trying to talk to Kate in Spanish whenever I can so that it isn't just associated with our new nanny and she gets more used to it. Daddy P and the nanny are muddling through okay with their spanglish communication. She and I seem to do fine since she's patient and lets me muddle up tenses all over the place.

Tomorrow we go camping! I'm totally excited and can't wait. I think Kate's going to LOVE it. So lots of fun pics to come...

1 comment:

cece said...

This makes mothers day all worth it!