Tuesday, April 6, 2010

18 months

No new stats to report. No seriously, Kate hasn't gained weight in three months. THREE MONTHS. Weird right? So yeah, here are our symptoms that finally drove us to take her to the doctor today:
- no weight gain (but dirty and wet diapers)
- she's stopped eating (as in a few bites of cracker/applesauce/cereal per meal and refusing to eat anything else)
- she drinks like 32 oz of milk a day (she won't eat and then drinks to fill up)
- no water
- no sleeping through the night and no sleeping without a parent in the room
- general weirdness

Daddy P and I started worrying that sleep wasn't about separation because of all the other weird things and called the doctor. The nurse on the phone says, "It could be a parasite! Come in today!" Daddy P gets there and the doctor says, "Uh, I don't think it's anything. Lots of 18 month olds stop sleeping well. And I've had kids not eat for a week just because they didn't want to. She's probably fine."

Well, f*@#$*(!!!!! This is "fine"?!?! Wow was I not happy to hear that. He's still having a stool lab run but thinks she's fine. Does any of this feel fine? Does this really seem fine? I mean, couldn't he at least PRETEND to understand what we are feeling at this point?

We have been taking turns sleeping on the floor in her bedroom because she wakes up every 15 minutes crying. At least when we're in there we can say "It's okay" and she'll fall back asleep instead of screaming. This is our only sanity/sleep preserving option. Plus the idea of letting her be alone and crying when she's sad/scared/upset/sick just kills us both.

I think I was wishing for a parasite for my daughter today...

So yeah... we halfheartedly tried some sleep ideas from books... they all pretty much sucked. We finally decided to just stay with her until she fell asleep and then leave the door open (which, surprisingly, she is still able to sleep through the ruckus we make). Last night this got us to 10:30pm, and then she was able to fall asleep without too much trouble (20 minutes) with Daddy P lying on the floor next to her. This worked until 5am, she went back down with Daddy P sleeping on the floor until 6am. Then the night was over.

That was the best sleep we've gotten in weeks. The best part was Daddy P let me sleep with earplugs in. Love that man.

18 months

Where'd it go?
The throw

Chilaxing after a good toss.

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