Friday, September 19, 2008

Second needle session

Yesterday I spent a good deal of my time upside down. You would think with all the blood flow going to the brain I would have some great epiphany to report, but the blood flow does not seem to have improved my brain functioning. When I wasn't upside-down, I was burning Chinese herbs against my toes. Something the baby obviously has an opinion about because she moves like crazy.

I had my second session today, and am focusing mostly on just getting me to a place of acceptance about how I truly have no control over how Kate will enter the world. I thought that "letting go" of control was being accepting of whatever drug use or techniques or time-frame that labor itself took, but apparently it means letting go of the idea of labor altogether. It's been way more of an emotional adjustment than I anticipated. I'm a work in progress.

Meanwhile, I'm still getting the house cleaned up and working part time. Clients now look at me as a potential threat (is she going to give birth here, today?) and I assure them I have quite some time to go before the baby is going to make her appearance.

Oh! We found a pediatrician! We didn't look ridiculously hard. Basically we interviewed two, and disliked the second so much we decided not to risk going to any more bad consults. He's next door to the hospital so he'll be very accessible when Kate is born, and just "fits" us. So, one more task accomplished!

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