Thursday, September 25, 2008


As though breastmilk as a concept isn't gross enough... Thank you to Jenn for sharing this tidbit... From some scary news channel in the northeast.

PETA Urges Ben & Jerry's To Use Human Milk
Group Says Move Would Help Humans, Cows

UPDATED: 9:53 am EDT September 24, 2008

WATERBURY, Vt. -- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals sent a letter to Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, cofounders of Ben & Jerry's Homemade Inc., urging them to replace cow's milk they use in their ice cream products with human breast milk, according to a statement recently released by a PETA spokeswoman.


Christine said...

As the resident vegetarians of the group, we also find this disturbing. We do not like PETA or their view on most things. You have got to give it to them though, they are good at generating press through sensational silliness!

Pamelamers said...

I saw this in the paper this morning! Could they be more absurd? Could you picture a wharehouse of moms hooked up to breast pumps. AAH!