Monday, September 15, 2008

New Challenge!

You guys did so well on the last contest, we've upped the stakes! (or, added stakes?) The winner of this challenge will win the yummiest cookies I have ever been introduced to (Thank you, Lisa). Warn me if you don't like chocolate and I will think of another prize...

Here are the rules: you have until Friday to work this one out. Please email me (don't leave a comment or others will copy your answer!) your answer. All those right answers will go into a drawing and the drawing winner gets the yummy cookies!

Now, for the question...

What is significant about Kate's wall?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to catch up on your blog...I've been away and busy for too long. This is the cutest baby room I have ever seen (even if it is purple...I can't really tell from this picture though). I miss you guys so much!
I'll call soon! Lots to catch up on ;)