Wednesday, September 17, 2008

No pins, just needles

I went for my first acupuncture session today. For a girl who is rather scared of needles, I think I did pretty well. The acupuncturist was very awesome, and put me totally at ease, which was necessary considering the task at hand. She talked a little about acupuncture in general, and then about why she was going to do what she was going to do. I had about seven little teeny needles in me. Most of them felt like the teeniest prick, except for the two in my toes which she was good enough to warn me about. Those were a little painful. But once they were all in I couldn't even feel them. She then burned a Chinese herb against the needles in my toes. She left me there for some time to relax and loosen up and then repeated the burning.

Daddy P burned some more against my toes today (minus needles) and we have some "homework" to do until I see her again (or until the baby moves, whichever is first). We decided on the outdoor moxabustion routine since it is so smelly. Daddy P thinks our neighbors are going to start hitting us up for the goods now.

I will say that I am feeling rather silly about all this at this point, which I think is the mental place I need to be in to 100% accept this idea of cutting me open. I'm working on getting Daddy P ready for all he'll have to do to keep me from throwing up as they slowly cut me open while I am awake (the very grossest idea ever). I am getting to that "there's a reason why she's breech and I just don't know it yet" stage, but am obviously not at the "let's have a c-section!!" stage.

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