Sunday, January 30, 2011

park day

We took advantage of the insane spring-like weather and went to the park for the afternoon.  It was a "new" park, meaning we stretched our legs a bit to get there.  Well, you can see that Kate didn't.  

Kate's become an insane little person.  She's just amazing.  I used to hate those moms that would say that all the time about their kid, but damn, she's really cool.  She lately enjoys reversing roles.  So, when we're reading she'll ask "What's that?" not because she doesn't know but because we do that to her as we read.  If you say "I don't know" she'll promptly tell you.  Daddy P realized this game the other night when he answered "I don't know" to some strange looking animal in her big book about every conceivable animal in existence.  In response she said, "Mommy and I see those all the time."

Today at the park she did this when Daddy P and I spent a good ten minutes trying to help her to see the small turtle heads poking out of the water.  We thought she was seeing them, but then she took us around to the other side of the pond telling us "turtles are over there."  She then stops, points at the blank water, and says, "See the turtle?  Turtles are way over there."  

On the mini-baby front, I'm 20 weeks.  And huge.  Stand me next to a 20 weeker first time mom and I look like I'm a month away.  My body is definitely ready for this kid.  I'm sure you all are dying to know about names.

Well, here's the story.  I dreamt before I was pregnant that we were having a boy.  And voila!  Boy.  Okay, and now I have had this recurring feeling/dream that the baby's name is James.  I don't particularly love the name, but I don't dislike it.  It's a decent name.  But I honest to goodness *Feel* like it's the baby's name.  Like, it already is his whether we choose another or not.  Okay, so Daddy P dislikes the name -- not his fav -- and is not buying into this whole intuition thing.  

So, what is a wife to do?  I sit down at the Social Security website and say, "Fine.  We're picking a name.  Pick a year."  He says 1631. Well, the SS website didn't start tracking popular names until the late 1800s.  So, I pick Daddy P's favorite number (those of you who are truly loyalists will recall that baby Kate's number in utero was 51) and pair it was 1900.  

Guess what the #1 boy name is 1951 was?  I shit you not.


Now, you tell me this isn't the baby's name.

1 comment:

Team Small State - Emily said...

I think the universe is giving you a pretty clear sign ;)