Saturday, January 1, 2011


Christmastime ends tomorrow.  We've decided.  Kate is protesting strongly.  Making it clear that we should continue singing "Jingle Bells" and that the tree should "not go in box"... I bought her one more day, but tomorrow it's going away.

She must get her love of Christmas-time from me.  I might have an ally next year in trying to get the tree up before -- or at least the day after -- Thanksgiving.  I am vey sad to see it all go (and wish I could box up some of these toys to go, too!!). 

We had a very fun Christmas.  Kate and I both got to make our very first snowman.  Because of some creative room-sharing (Kate slept in my parents' room -- with them!), Daddy P and I got to sleep in every day of the trip and didn't have to get out of bed once in the middle of the night.  Of course, we are paying for that a bit now, but hopefully she will remember how to sleep alone soon...

Since coming home we've been preparing for the baby.  Kate decided she was ready to get a big girl chair so we moved the rocking chair into the baby's room (triumph!) and now she sits in her mini-Ikea chair and we sit on the floor to read her books.  A little more uncomfortable, but I'd rather nurse the new kid in the rocking chair than the mini-IKEA chair. 

Then, today, she gave up the changing table!  Woo hoo!  Now, we just have to clear out the ten boxes of crap that we've been keeping in the baby's room and we might be able to paint it.  One step at a time...

Pictures to come...

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