Monday, January 3, 2011

A Series of Poor Decisions

We decided to switch doctors to better our chances at a successful VBAC.  (If you don't know what it is, you probably don't want to know.)

That, I believe, was a good decision.  Our new doc has a c-section rate of 20% compared to the Austin average of 50%. 

But, I cancelled the appointment with my old doctor because I had an appointment with the new doctor scheduled for later in the week.

But, the new doctor wouldn't see me without the records.

Which, I had not yet gotten because I'd been a lazy slacker in getting the release to the doctor.

So now... at 16 weeks I will have to wait until late in week 18 to see a doctor... They said that they would "just make it" my 20 week visit (if they can fast forward time successfully then let's go all the way and just get this done).

We also decided on our doula (  the company owned by a friend and co-run by our former doula. 

In the meantime, Kate is getting used to the idea of the baby.  Today she assigned a toy to each of us (Kate, Daddy P and I) and included the baby!  Thought that was a good sign.  She has also picked out "blue" for the baby room color and wants orange in it, too.  Daddy P should be happy with the Broncos colors...

And, because no one likes blogs without pictures...

 Kate took it upon herself to open everyones' gifts...

 Egg-free cinnamon rolls!

Helping Auntie open her present

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