Wednesday, February 2, 2011


This kid moves.  Kate moved, too, but this is of a different quality.  Daddy P can clearly feel his kicks already, starting last week at 19 weeks.  I remember sitting with clients when I was pregnant with Kate and getting jarred back into my own body with each kick.  It felt like a tug-of-war of attention. 

Like the rest of the country we're having some chilly weather.  With windchill it was down to 5 degrees last night, 19 proper.  We did what we thought we should to prepare the house:  opening the laundry room door so it got some heat and the pipes didn't freak out, opening cabinets, putting up heavier curtains to help block our sole remaining crappy window, turn off the sprinklers.  Oh wait, we turned off the **timer** to the sprinkers.  Apparently, the timer had other ideas.

We woke up to drips of ice all over all the bushes, ice on all the walkways, and ice dripping off anything we'd left outside.  Our neighbor's homes were ice free.  Apparently we have a malfunctioning timer on our hands...

Rolling blackouts this morning they say to manage the energy load.  Schools in town are open and delayed in the suburbs.  Nothing like freezing weather to make the humid awful summer a little more tolerable.

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