Thursday, December 17, 2009

My little monster

The Plus: 30 minutes that I spent getting dinner ready.
The Minus: Tantruming when water play was over...





Ms. Kate's had a rough 24 hours. Last night the family was up from midnight to 2am because of a baby who, by all indications, wanted to be awake. Okay, well, it started as tooth pain, but it was miraculous how her tooth pain disappeared when she left her bedroom! She was also up numerous other times throughout the night, but got herself back to sleep on her own. Nap today lasted only 1.5 hours after a string of five solid 3 hour naps.

Today she was very clingy, as she's apt to be when hurting, so I decided to put aside my plans and hunker down with her this morning. We played and cuddled and rolled around on the floor some. She mostly whined and pouted when I wouldn't let her do what she wanted, but there were some happy smiles here and there. Then the dilemna of dinner. I was working tonight, and had to make dinner early as a result (love that crockpot!) but couldn't figure out how to cut carrots while holding a baby... So out came the chair. It was a sight really as I managed to cut the carrots and prepare the dinner while blocking the open sides of the chair so she wouldn't topple. She loved it! I couldn't believe it! Thirty freaking minutes of uninterrupted quiet time while she happily played in the water. It was a delight. I finished getting the food ready (she helped put all the ingredients in the crock pot happily) and got to just enjoy her excitement.

Then it ended. All things must, but this end was loud and screamy, with a head bang on the floor thrown in for emphasis. She then spent the rest of the day trying to push the chair over to the sink to do more water play. She even learned "her version" of the water sign in no time at all since she wanted so badly to play again.

It's so hard coming home when she's already in bed and tucked in. But tonight, I hope I don't see her until the morning...
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