Monday, December 28, 2009

Fear and Awe

Kate has a little bit of Old Testament style idol worship going on. Her cousin Mason is the "it" thing right now. So much so that "Ma" now refers not to her dear mother, but to Mason. This "Ma" is generally coupled with the "Where is it?" sign as she searches from room to room to find her beloved cousin. But, as any good Old Testament story goes, there is also loud clapping thunder, shaking earth, and some calamity. So while she often goes in search of her dear cousin, she just as often runs away shrieking.

She is picking up some tricks. Her current goal is to learn to jump off of Grandma's treadmill like her cousin can do. He demonstrates this to her frequently with helpful "see, Kate? like this! i'm FLYING!". Any attempts on auntie's part to remind him he can't fly ends in an arguement of "yes I can's" which just can't be effectively counter-argued. So far Kate has only succeeded in falling off the treadmill, but she's still trying. One more day and she might have it.

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