Friday, December 11, 2009

Have we housebroken the baby?

Let me explain...

Monday, Kate woke up a half hour into her nap in order to poop. No more nap after that.

Tuesday, before nap I put Kate on the group and told her to go pick out a book. She did, and stood over her books pooping while she did it. I said, "You're pooping! Gonna need a new diaper (insert diaper sign here)."

Wednesday, before nap I put her down, told her again to pick out a book and go poop. She did! I labeled and signed what she was doing again.

Thursday, same story!

Friday, she pooped earlier in the morning, so I just skipped the whole "go to your corner and poop." Well, she started fussing when I picked her up after reading books to put her down for nap. Then she started signing "diaper." Stupid mom, was like, "I already changed your diaper silly." Put her down and she SCREAMED. I came back in the room after five minutes and decided to give the whole thing another go (I was figuring this was because I was gone this morning and had just gotten home and she was having a tough time with the transition... er, wrong.) So I put her down, she walks over to the corner where her bookshelf is and poops.


She's housebroken! I'm seriously tempted to buy a baby toilet and put it by her books!

1 comment:

Kelley said...

You should get a toilet! That is great!!!