Thursday, December 3, 2009

14 months old!

At 14 months, Miss Kate is quite the go getter. Her recent tricks are woofing at pictures of dogs and making a car sound as you push her on her push-car. She's pretty particular. We're noticing all our not-so-fun qualities shining through: Daddy P's fussiness about fabrics and clothing (Kate now tantrums for fleece pants or scratchy sweaters) and my short fuse (the other day she threw a lid across the room when she couldn't figure out how to put it on correctly). We will be working on perfecting our job of modeling coping with these weaknesses to help her deal with them better than we did.

She's some unknown weight and height, but her pants finally don't drag on the ground when she walks. She is obsessed with all things electronic (just like her grandfathers), and when she can't touch the laptop or hold the phone she, you guessed it, tantrums.

For all the tantruming, this kid has so much joy. She is the biggest cuddler and is happy to climb into your lap and read a book she's picked out. She will walk over to me cooking in the kitchen and with a sweet little sigh hug my leg before moving on to her next activity. Her cries of delight are just the most heartwarming sounds to hear. You can't top them.

Independence is all the rage. She is getting really good at feeding herself with a spoon, and wants to eat apples and bananas whole. She really wants to use a cup, although inevitably when we let her try, pouring quickly follows.

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