Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Winter Squash

We added winter squash to Kate's menu today. She gobbled down her oats and barley for lunch like a starved inmate (at the time, I said "zombie" but that's because I'm just stuck on zombies at the moment i do think). Then for dinner she tried some acorn squash. I made some last night. Check this out. One acorn squash yielded only about a cup of food:

Next time I'll cook a few at a time and freeze the results. My food mill made quick work of the squash though. The whole process took me about 10 minutes to do (not counting oven time). Not so shabby! After checking out the prices for organic baby food I decided we definitely can't afford to go that route and I have the time to make her homemade stuff for now so why not!

We see the doc tomorrow and I plan on clarifying some of this solid-eating business with him. It's so darn confusing! This kid would eat a whole squash at once if we let her, so I am planning on asking questions about quantity, variety, and so on and so forth...

But yeah, tonight Daddy P gave Kate her dinner. We weren't really sure what to expect from her...

Pre-Food Happiness

"Mmmmm squash!"


1 comment:

Jenn, Jon and Maddie said...

How much Shiner went into the squash??? :)