Monday, April 27, 2009

Carrot Explosion

Just a warning... if you do decide to make your own babyfood, and you see a 5 lb. bag of organic carrots for $5 at the store... think twice before buying it. I figure we saved about $15 in carrot baby food by doing it this way, but apparently carrots take a long time to steam. The whole process took most of my evening to finish (as I waited for steaming to finish and then pureed, waited and pureed). Oh and yeah, don't put carrot shavings in the garbage disposal. The evening ended with pipes being dissembled... Bleck.

Granted, if I had given in and done it on the stove it wouldn't have taken as long, but it would have heated the whole house up and it was just too hot outside for that. So, I used my steamer/rice cooker/slow cooker and did it in three different batches. And we still have carrot sticks in the fridge after all that. But we have carrots upon carrots in the freezer!! Now I see why they sell those baby food all-in-one contraptions. Plus the small scale of it means that it is fresher and you can adapt to what the baby likes. All I have to say is, baby Kate better freaking love carrots (cuz I hate 'em)...

If I were more ambitious (and perhaps lived in S.L.C. with my canning crazy sister and her canning crazier mother-in-law) I would do it right and can it all. Our freezer is packed to the brim so my baby food making will have to take a break. Well, after I finish with the zucchini and pears that I'd already bought... they were just too cheap to pass up!!!

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