Saturday, April 18, 2009

Houston = bye bye breastfeeding?

We journeyed back to Houston this weekend for a whirlwind trip for a job interview. Baby Kate and I hung out in ever-exciting Clear Lake and went to Panera and the mall while Daddy P interviewed. We also played a lot at the hotel and made friends with the front desk staff so we could get a check-out after her afternoon naptime. (Sooooo wonderful.)

Unfortunately, Kate now hates her carseat. I don't blame her really. The four hours down was long, and she didn't like having to do nighttime sleeping in a partially upright position. Plus she has a cold which made the whole trip a little harder. We got a suite for the night courtesy of Daddy P's interviewer, and put ourselves up at a suite last night. Makes such a huge difference! Lucky for us La Quinta has cheap suites!

But what mostly came of this trip (aside from Daddy P knocking the socks off the interviewers) was my decision to wean. It's time. Baby Kate is ready, and as a result, has made me ready by her twisting (ouch!), turning (ouch ouch!), and generally need-to-see-eating.

This has lead to a big formula investigation and I learned something I hadn't realized. You either feed your baby corn syrup based formula (the majority and what our pediatrician "recommended"), milk based formula (which I don't get since they say not to introduce milk until 1 year, and we know how lactose sits with Kate), or soy based formula (same comment... plus we know soy makes Kate spit up like crazy). But apparently Baby's Only just started a Lactose free formula that is based on brown rice syrup instead of corn syrup, the thinking being that a complex carbohydrate is better for baby than the corn syrup...

So, we ordered our first container and now we will see what she thinks!

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