Thursday, March 12, 2009

Woh, yes, wait a minute Mr. Postman

Why did you run into us? We were innocently driving home from a shopping trip, baby, dog, mom and car, when you rear-ended us. You obviously wanted me to run the yellow light in the rain and weren't too happy when I didn't. But did you have to bump my bumper? Woh, yes, Mr. Postman, I wasn't happy.

But anyway. It was just a tap. Which was obviously a HUGE relief to Mr. Postman who was dressed in shorts on our chilly 47 degree rainy day. There were two spots of paint chips, but really, I wasn't going to make this poor man suffer through the red-tape of telling the gov-ment that he hit a new mother's shiny black Vibe. So we drove off. To his enormous relief.

Neither Kate nor the dog (?!?!) noticed anything happened at all. So, it couldn't have been too big of a tap.

You can see Kate was still happy when we got home, and practiced sitting a little more. She was mostly interested in using her vantage point to watch the dog wherever she went. Her new always-pasttime. Now when I'm hands-occupied and Kate is crying I yell for Elly to come so Kate will forget what she's crying about and watch the dog follow me around. These days I spend most of my time trying to prevent Elly from licking Kate all over the hands-arms-cheeks-face-mouth and now have to also stop Kate from trying to pet the dog. It's such a lost cause. But I'm a survivor! Until Kate can hold her own a little more I'd rather minimize their interaction, but stopping their mutual love affair is obviously going to be harder once Kate can crawl. Oh the joy.

1 comment:

Pamelamers said...

I can't believe you got hit!!! You didn't tell me today, but I don't get why that means you need a new car seat??