Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Chicago Recap

Kate did pretty well in Chicago. Daddy P flew up with Kate all by his lonesome, and did very well! In fact, I think he did better without me (and my sleepy drug-induced body) than with me... He said that the security staff were instrumental in making it alone. On my flight, the security team was a little baffled by my breast pump. I'd taken it out of the larger bag so it was just the pump in this black velcroed box. It did look sketchy. But seriously? It says "Modela" all over it. Come on now peeps.

Kate had no problem sleeping the night in Chicago. She went to sleep in her little tent and slept the whole night through. Naps, however, were more difficult. Daddy P ended up putting her in her stroller and walking her up and down the hotel hall until she conked out. We were staying in a suite (not an especially well-kept place, but it had a full kitchen, dining room/living room and separate bedroom) which was so very nice so that Kate could have her own room. She talks a lot in her sleep and I struggle to sleep through her mumblings so everyone slept so much better with her in her own room.

I had a few days of baby-free life. I got in some shopping and really enjoyed being around fellow professionals again, but got pretty tired of pumping all day long by the end. I am very impressed by you ladies who do that all the time. Geesh. We got to see some of our much missed friends and introduce them to Kate which was very fun...

Our weather was nice overall. I was there for two sunny wearing-short-sleeves-and-jeans days. Then the baby and Daddy P came. Temperatures dipped. Rain visited... More of an authentic winter. We were staying right across from the Hamilton building and got a pretty picture of the fog.

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