Tuesday, March 24, 2009

About Face

Kate is getting tired of looking up. That's about the only place she can look when she's in her carseat either in a stroller or a shopping cart. I've started carrying her in a sling into stores so she can sit up and look around. On walks, however, I am not going to carry the munchkin. So, yesterday, I put her in her big-girl seat in the stroller.

She loved it.

I hated it.

I was so used to looking at my little daughter, talking to her about what was around us, smiling and making faces at her, I was totally bummed out when I couldn't see her at all. I found myself trying to crane my head around to see her as we walked, or skipping around to the side to peer at her. Finally, I gave up. I strapped the runaway-stroller-prevention rope to my wrist just in case, grabbed hold of the crossbar, and just walked on the side of the stroller with her. There we were, walking side by side down the street, getting rather funny looks from the neighbors, while I pointed to the trees and talked about the colors and she looked on and laughed.

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